Reopening your salon? We’re sure your clients are over the moon. But no matter how sick they are of their shag, they still don’t want to get sick.
We know you want to keep your clients and coworkers safe. That’s why we created this checklist of ten best practices to safeguard your socially distant salon.
Reduce your capacity
Whether you decrease the number of days you see clients, stagger your business hours, or simply space out your appointments, the idea is to keep your salon as empty as possible. At minimum, workstations should maintain a strict six-foot distance between them. (Same goes for your shampoo bowls, bathroom stalls, and employee lounge.)
Limit the time spent with each client
You may consider limiting your services to less complex offerings and avoiding time-intensive treatments. This will allow you to see more clients in a day, so long as you schedule plenty of time between each one.
Screen employees and clients at the door
Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of COVID-19. If you see someone experiencing shortness of breath or a dry cough, send them home or ask them to reschedule. Some salons are taking temperatures at the door and denying entry to anyone who measures 100+ degrees. If you choose to implement this practice, be sure to use thermometer covers and sanitize between each application.
Keep your waiting area closed
Have clients wait in their cars until it’s time for their appointment. This ensures stylists and hair dressers have an opportunity to fully sanitize their workstations between appointments and further reduces contact between clients. Post signs or otherwise advise your clients of the number to call when they arrive. Only the client should be allowed to enter the salon. Ensure children and significant others do not accompany your client to their appointment.
Require everyone to wear masks
Though masks can be uncomfortable for some services, it’s extremely important that anyone who steps foot inside your salon wear one at all times. Should a client need to temporarily remove their mask for any reason, supply them with a clean towel to cover their mouth and nose. Masks may also be removed outside your salon for fresh air, but must be reapplied before returning inside.
Ensure employees wear gloves at all times
Stock up on multiple glove sizes for every member of your staff. Gloves should be worn at all times – no exception. This includes any receptionists, stylists, or janitorial employees. Gloves should be changed frequently, especially after every appointment and each time stations are sanitized.
Prohibit stylists from sharing tools
Stylists should continue to use their own tools, including sheers, hairdryers, and products. Should anyone need to share, ensure a thorough sanitization is conducted, hands are washed, and fresh gloves are reinstated.
Sanitize thoroughly between clients
You probably do this anyway, but you may need to add a few steps to your cleaning process to prevent spreading the virus. Use a disinfectant on any surface a client has touched during their appointment. This includes shampoo bowls, workstations, restrooms, products, tools, and any reception area items like a card reader. Wash towels in hot water with bleach at the end of the day and clean the laundry basket or receptacle.
Stock up on personal hygiene supplies
Make sure your salon has ample tissues, paper towels, hand soap, hand sanitizers (with at least 60% alcohol), cleaning disinfectants, etc. Don’t forget to change out wastebasket liners each day, too.
Offer a contactless payment method
Clients who prefer a totally contactless payment option can pay with their credit card through the Gina’s Platform mobile app or they can go to your free webpage on Of course, they can also swipe their credit card in person at their appointment as well.
Keep in mind that this list is far from exhaustive. You know your salon best. If you feel additional safeguards are necessary, don’t hesitate to implement them. Salons naturally create closeness, but only you know how far to go to keep your clients safe.
To get started, download the Gina’s Platform app from the App Store or Google Play. Follow the prompts to create your profile, then look for instructions on creating your own website!

Gina Rivera
Beauty Icon and Expert
Gina Rivera skyrocketed to success when the company she founded in 2007, Phenix Salon Suites, became the fastest-growing salon suite company in the beauty industry. With more than 300 locations nationally and international expansion occurring in the UK, Entrepreneur Magazine named Phenix Salon Suites a Top 500 Franchise list seven years running.